What I learned writing a book on disabilities

What I learned writing a book on disabilities

I grew up with an uncle that was quadriplegic, I didn’t realize it at the time, but it permanently changed the way I view disabilities. Disabilities themselves were never the defining point of an individual. A perception that I discovered, wasn’t the norm, when...
Designing products and spaces for gender equality

Designing products and spaces for gender equality

“Why are there only 3 chairs?” I asked, “She’ll cook while the family sit & eat right?” the interior designer said in a matter-of-fact tone about breakfast counter. Believe it or not, this is an excerpt from a real conversation that I had last week. What’s...
Understanding racial privilege – and why it needs to stop

Understanding racial privilege – and why it needs to stop

Racial privilege (you may have heard it called white privilege), it’s a term regularly used in HR briefings and training seminars, but not many people really understand it. Peggy McIntosh’s 1988 essay “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” defined it...
Talking to Children About Racism

Talking to Children About Racism

When it comes to discussing issues surrounding racism with children, many adults tend to shy away from the conversation all together. These feel like tough conversations to have, but they need to happen. It’s important that we give each other the space to have these...
Teaching kids about disabilities

Teaching kids about disabilities

How to answer kids questions about disability Most parents have felt embarrassed by their child pointing to someone that’s visibly disabled and loudly asking questions. Usually parents try to shush their children, or hurry them along and change the topic. There are...
How to celebrate International Womens Day over Zoom

How to celebrate International Womens Day over Zoom

International Women’s Day (IWD) 2021 is next Monday (March 8th), and even though many people are still in various states of lockdown, there’s plenty of great ways to celebrate & raise awareness. If you haven’t already organized something for your team,...